Tuesday, 1 December 2009


The Beatles: “Here Comes the Sun”
            One of the best Beatles songs, “Here Comes the Sun” was written by George Harrison and was performed on the Abbey Road album in 1969. With the help of Eric Clapton this is one of Harrison’s best-known Beatles song. This song was written during a hard time in George’s life. He had recently been arrested for possession of marijuana and had temporarily quit The Beatles. It was during his escape from these troubles that he wrote this song.
            When asked about this song he said he was dealing with many businessmen. He said winter in England seems to last forever and by the time spring comes you really deserve it. He enjoyed getting away from the businessmen and just walking around Eric Clapton’s garden, sitting down with their guitars, and composing “Here Comes the Sun.”
            This song uses acoustic instruments as well as drums and more orchestra to give it a fuller sound. Not all four men recorded due to John Lennon’s car accident so George Harrison sang lead vocals with Paul McCartney backing vocals and Ringo Starr on the drums. The way it is structured makes it a very pleasant song to listen to. Since it has so many different sounds added into it with catchy lyrics to match the song is appealing in many ways to many people.
            Although the lyrics are fairly simple it does seem to hold more meaning than it seems. “Here comes the sun…the smiles returning to the faces.” These lyrics are more psychological territory than they initially seem on the surface. This shows the way George Harrison was feeling in that he had just come through a difficult time in his life and after “a long cold, lonely winter” things were just starting to get better. The lyrics are also likeable because it’s a concept that everyone can relate to. Everyone goes through hard times and it seems like things haven’t been good for a while but suddenly the sun comes through and it makes you happy. This song does a great job portraying those lyrics because of the way the words are delivered through the catchy light-hearted melody. These lyrics are literal but also impressionistic by evoking a certain mood and delivering a certain message through words and musical composition.

            I chose to learn more about “Here Comes the Sun” because it has always been not only one of my favorite Beatles songs but one of my favorites in general. I love what a happy and hopeful song it is. If ever I’m in a bad mood I can’t go wrong by listening to this song. After reading more about how the song came about I like it even more for the very literal way in which George Harrison intended it to be. “Here Comes the Sun” in my opinion is one of The Beatles greatest hits and finding the deeper meaning makes it even more enjoyable to listen and sing along to.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Modern Art

1. To what school and time period does this work of art belong?
            1950s and 1960s

2. Briefly describe the artist’s aesthetic methods and choices: color, line, composition, brushwork, etc.
 Cartoon-like painting method with acrylic oil. Thick lines, large detail.

 3. Speculate on the image’s larger cultural meanings and uses.  Does it celebrate certain ideals or a particular worldview?  Does it challenge conventional ways of thinking about its subject matter?
 This is a painting having to do with planes in the war. Lichtenstein wanted to show that a violent and emotionally charged subject could be conveyed using a detached, somewhat mechanical technique.

 4. Finally, relate something interesting you learned about the artist or the piece from listening to the audio guide.
 The way Lichtenstein painted he wanted the viewers to be able to decipher their own meaning from his work, this is why he used his stylized technique.

1. To what school and time period does this work of art belong?

2. Briefly describe the artist’s aesthetic methods and choices: color, line, composition, brushwork, etc.
Silkscreening, very bright colors contrasting with black and white palette.

3. Speculate on the image’s larger cultural meanings and uses.  Does it celebrate certain ideals or a particular worldview?  Does it challenge conventional ways of thinking about its subject matter?
 This was made to show the ubiquitous presence of the media. The two main concepts are death and the cult of celebrity. This was made soon after Marilyn Monroe’s death but demonstrated her past presence in the world and media.

 4. Finally, relate something interesting you learned about the artist or the
piece from listening to the audio guide.
I found it interesting that the contrasting colors to the fading black and white is symbolic of Marilyn’s fade to mortality. Warhol had more meaning behind his work than people initially saw.

Visiting the Tate Modern was an interesting experience. I was surprised at how much of the art I actually liked considering I have never been a big fan of modern art. One thing I enjoyed about each of these paintings is the bright colors and the way they capture your attention. Although I'm not sure three vacuums lined up over a flourescent light should truly be considered art, I did enjoy other pieces in the museum.

Friday, 27 November 2009

The Louve and Musee Rodin

One of my favorite parts of the past three months has been our trip to Paris. I was able to visit so many museums and so much of the art that I've loved since my senior year in my Art History class. It was incredible to finally go to the Louvre and see so many amazing works of art that I've been waiting so long to see. My favorite sculpture of all time, Nike of Samothrace was the first thing I saw. Walking through the halls and then seeing this enormous beautiful sculpture at the top of the stairs was so amazing. The detail of her robes and wings is amazing and something about her is so mysterious. The next big thing I was able to see was Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" and it was just what I expected. It really is an incredible painting and it was so surreal to be standing there looking it for so long. I love Da Vinci's work and I could have stared all day, unfortunately I had other places to be but it was an amazing experience to see all the wonderful art the Louvre has to offer.

Another great place we went to was Musee Rodin. I've always been a big fan of Rodin's sculptures so it was really neat to walk through the gardens and his house to see all of his work. I had never realized just how many pieces of work he has but the house is full of them and most of them are so beautiful. A few of my favorites are "Burghers of Calais" and "The Thinker." All of Rodin's work is incredible, he has such a different technique that makes his work come to life.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Stonehenge, Stourhead & Bath

Wednesday was the best, it quickly made its way up to the top of my list of favorites. Our first stop was Stonehenge Yes—I have finally been to Stonehenge and I love being able to say that! I’ll be honest though, I was a little confused when our professor told us to look over to the side of the road and, yep, there it was—a pretty small pile of rocks just right on the side of the road. It wasn’t so much the size that shocked me but the fact that it was just right there next to the highway. I was expecting it to be in some huge empty field tucked away from everything. Well even though it’s not in the enchanting location that I was expecting, it was still a pretty unbelievable thing to see. The stones are bigger when you’re standing close to them and it’s pretty amazing to think about how long they got there and how long they’ve been there. I still can’t believe I saw Stonehenge-I’m so happy!

Saturday, 10 October 2009

J.M.W. Turner
            J.M.W. Turner’s “The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last Berth to be broken up” is a perfect example of the techniques that Turner was partial to using. The paint is laid on very thick with somewhat rough brushstrokes. Although the sunset and water are applied rather loose and thick, the boats in the painting are carefully crafted with smaller, thinner detail. His color palette consists of mostly light colors. With the extremely bright center of the sun, the color fades as it moves outward. The application technique allows for a hazy, majestic feel with smoky golden light. Further away from the setting sun, the sky is lighter and cooler. His loose application of beautiful colors is striking yet still creates a soothing mood.
The aesthetic techniques of this painting differ from those of earlier landscape artists in that it is lighter and more welcoming than before. In earlier paintings darker colors are typically used to show the landscape. Another quality that changes from earlier times is the more open attribute of the scene. Many paintings from other artists in previous eras depict landscapes as a far more complex scene with so many parts of nature taking part in the painting.  On the other hand, “The Fighting Temeraire” is a painting that illustrates a wide-open space using different somewhat lighter colors and pieces of nature while maintaining a simpler, yet still majestic feel.
            The large canvas Turner uses creates a more powerful image. The sheer size makes it more realistic, an outdoor scene captured and put into a painting. The size also emphasizes the colors of the scene and brings a more encompassing serene feeling. The subject matter seems to be a parallel between the past and the present. Turner depicts an old warship as well as a new boat coming in before the setting or possibly rising sun. Having these two boats side by side shows the comparison of the two time periods. The contrast between the veteran ship and the modern steam boat may be a depiction of the setting of simpler times that are now passing and the rise of new ways of the world. There are many qualities unique to Turner that collaborate to form an impressive and beautiful way to capture various landscapes around the world.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Country Walk

On Wendesday a group of us went up to Kent where we met Brother Chiddick for a country walk. Although it was rainy and cold, it was enjoyable and we were able to see so many beautiful sites. No matter how much time I spend in the country, I always find something new to appreciate. There is always an old building or church and graveyard tucked into the landscape. On this walk, my favorite part was the fog hanging over the huge green fields, it made the cold worthwhile. We were also able to see a few castles, including one of which that is now beautiful ruins. There are so many amazing things in nature that work together to make one remarkable English country.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


The Winter’s Tale
            The production of The Winter’s Tale at The Courtyard Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon by the Royal Shakespeare Company was one of great interpretation that provided good and interesting insight into the play.  This production was unique in several aspects including the setting of the stage, the props and the characters. As the tale begins, the lighting is dark and candlelit to portray Sicilia as a harsh and worldly place, while Bohemia is full of light and pieces of nature to represent a more uplifting fantastical environment. With the changing light and sets on the circular stage, the audience is able to be more involved and better understand the feeling of the place where each part of the play takes place. Although these particular aspects contribute much to the play, it is the players that make the production such an impressive experience.
Most of the actors portrayed their characters excellently by taking what Shakespeare has written and bringing them to life. However, one of the characters stood out amidst them all and brought a very commanding stage presence. Although Paulina has an important role in the play, the actress brings a more powerful air to the stage and seems to play a much more vital role to the evolving story in the production.  While producing this play on stage, the director has a few options on how to portray Paulina’s character. This specific time, when Paulina steps on stage, something about her demands not only the attention of Leontes but the attention of the entire audience as well. Her loud voice and authoritative actions around the entire stage all contribute to the powerful woman she embodies.
            One particularly dominant moment is when Paulina confronts Leontes about the child his wife has born. Although this part could have been done many ways, the director chooses to allow Paulina’s outspokenness to be recognized and have the king respond in a specific way. While he could have ignored her and turned his attention elsewhere, he seems to listen with increasing anger. And though he doesn’t fully focus on her as she speaks, his body language suggests that her words hit him and make an impression on his mind. As she speaks to him, she does not give in to his masculine power nor give in to his view of women’s fidelity. Her direct approach illustrates her courageous attitude and willingness to stand up to the king’s arrogance.
            Although there are many interpretations of different aspects of the play, one thing that is always unique to each production is the domination of certain characters. In this case of The Winter’s Tale, the presence of Paulina is definitely one of the most powerful. The character she brings to the stage and her authoritative actions make the production more compelling and allow the audience to be consumed with Shakespeare’s tale.